Compost Application Instructions for Flower Garden Establishment

Compost Application Instructions for Flower Garden Establishment

Plant nutrition is the most crucial aspect for developing healthy and beautiful flower garden.

Garden and especially pot flowers and plants use nutrients in soil at very high rates.

Newly planted plants need weekly applications of chemical fertilizers.

The source of mineral nourishment for plant can be either chemical or organic.

The use of chemical fertilizers has some drawbacks:

  • Chemical fertilizer effect is short-lived.
  • When using chemical fertilizer there is a risk of its accumulation in the fruit
  • Different plants need different specific chemical fertilizers
  • Plant needs different fertilizers on different stages of its development.

Therefore, chemical fertilizers are costly and require specific knowledge.

Using natural compost is the perfect solution in this case.

Compost is:

  • Long-term natural food for plants
  • Plant obtains required amounts of nutrients from compost according to its own needs and stages of development, be it growth/vegetation, flowering or fruiting.

Due to its long lasting beneficial effect, compost has no better alternative.

Compost is functional and potent in soil for 3 to 4 years after its application.

Step 1:

Evenly apply compost at a rate of 2 to 4 kg. per square meter.

Step 2:

Apply compost by hand, using shovels, rakes or other similar tools, or with a front-end loader, manure spreader or any other suitable equipment.

Step 3:

Incorporate compost into soil using rototiller or by hand until compost is evenly mixed with the soil.

Step 4:

Planting soil should have a smooth and uniform surface. Level the surface using a rake.

Step 5:

Plant seedling into the soil and secure it firmly. In case of sowing, spread seeds evenly on the soil’s surface and mix with the soil using a rake.

Step 6:

Water the soil.

Application Instructions