Plant needs organic fertilizer for healthy growth and development. This is why compost is one of the best and most affordable organic fertilizers.
The source of mineral nourishment for plant can be either chemical or organic.
The use of chemical fertilizers has some drawbacks:
Therefore, chemical fertilizers are costly and require specific knowledge.
Using natural compost is the perfect solution in this case.
Compost is:
Due to its long lasting beneficial effect, compost has no better alternative.
Compost is functional and potent in soil for 3 to 4 years after its application.
If you have a vegetable and/or flower garden at home apply about 2 to 4 kg. per square meter and incorporate, or apply only in the rows.
When planting or transplanting in pots mix 1 part of compost with 2 parts of soil. You can also apply around 3 cm. thick layer on top of the existing pot soil and incorporate compost as gently as possible in order not to damage the roots.
When planting or transplanting in the open ground fill the hole with the mix of soil and compost – 1 part of compost to 2 parts of native soil.
In case of vineyard apply 3 to 4 kg. compost per plant.
Compost can be applied either at the base of the plant or between rows. After application incorporate compost into the soil.
Compost must be applied at a rate of 3 to 4 kg. per plant. After applying compost around the base of the plant, incorporate compost into the soil.
In case of berries apply 4 kg. compost per plant and then incorporate it into the soil.