Benefits of Using Compost

1. Improves soil’s structure, makes soil porous and thus creates the best environment for plant’s root nutrition.

• Increased porosity improves circulation of gases and liquids, thus reducing erosion. Compost prevents compaction of fine-grained soils, while in coarse-textured soils it improves water retention capacity. Humus is being produced during composting, which acts as a “glue” for the soil: it reduces soil erosion risk and increases water retention capacity of soil.

• Increased water retention capacity improves drought resistance. Therefore, watering frequency and intensity can be reduced, hence the water consumption. It should be noted that if compost is applied to sandy soils –when watering water is spread horizontally in the top part of the soil and does not quickly leak into deeper layers of the soil i.e. compost reduces surface drying of sandy soils. 

2. Chicken manure compost supplies plant with a wide variety of micro and macro nutrients:

• Compost contains large amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium as well as micro elements which are essential for plant’s growth.
Compost contains stable organic compounds, micro and macro elements – they are released steadily and gradually – this is one of the advantages of compost over common chemical fertilizers. Not only does compost provide nourishment to the plant, but it also enhances existing chemical fertilizer plan.

3. Compost suppresses soil-borne pathogens: scientific studies have shown that microorganisms in compost suppress pathogens in soil and consequently diseases harmful to plants.

4. Chicken manure compost does not contain weed seeds and microorganisms harmful to plants. Composing process takes a long time at high temperatures of 55-65 ℃, which in turn leads to destruction of pathogens and weed seeds. Multiplication of pathogens is also impeded due to the presence of beneficial microorganisms in compost which outcompete pathogens.

5. Compost supplies large amounts of organic matter to the soil. Compost revitalizes depleted soils.

6. Compost supplies beneficial microorganisms to the soil. Microorganisms form humus and make various nutrients easily available to the plant. These microorganisms form symbiotic relationship with the plant’s roots and help the plant absorb as much nutrients as possible. This gives compost an advantage over chemical fertilizers.

7. Compost increases cation exchange capacity of soil and therefore improves plant nutrient retention capacity as well.

8. No chemical residues are accumulated in the fruit after compost has been used – this ensures that final product is ecologically clean and healthy.

9. Compost can neutralize/bind certain pollutants: compost has the ability to bind heavy metals and various contaminants. Compost is often used to improve quality of contaminated soil. Microbes in compost can also break down toxic organic compounds, including oil. There is a practice of rehabilitating oil-contaminated land with compost. Compost also acts like a filter; it reduces pesticide leakage to the deeper layers of ground.

10. Compost can be applied at any time of the year, the nutrients in it (for example nitrogen) do not leak into soil quickly and remain in the soil for a long period of time. Therefore, compost can be applied in Fall, because plant nutrients are released gradually from compost. Compost can also be applied in Spring, ensuring rapid plant growth.

11. Chicken manure compost is distinguished from other composts by its high content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is the best prerequisite for healthy and fast plant growth and ecologically clean fruit.